These graphs plot the sensitivity of a cell (measured, for example, by the response to a constant very small spot of light) against retinal position along a line AA' passing through the receptive-field center. For an r+ center-g- surround cell, a small red spot gives a narrow curve and a small green spot, a much broader one. The lower graph plots the responses to light such as white or yellow that stimulates both of the opponent systems, so that the two systems subtract. Thus the red cones dominate in the center, which gives on responses, whereas the green cones dominate in the surround, which yields off responses. Both the red cones and the green cones feed in from a fairly wide circular area, in numbers that are maximal in the center and fall off with distance from the center. In the center, the red cones strongly predominate, and with distance their effects fall off much more rapidly than those of the green cones. A long-wavelength small spot shining in the center will consequently be a very powerful stimulus to the red system; even if it also stimulates green cones, the number, relative to the total number of green cones feeding in, will be too small to give the red system any competition. The same argument applies to the center-surround cells described in Chapter 3, whose receptive fields similarly must consist of two opponent circular overlapping areas having different-shaped sensitivity-versus-position curves. Thus the surround is probably not annular, or donut shaped, as was originally supposed, but filled. With these opponent-color cells in monkeys, it is supposed-- without evidence so far--that the surrounds represent the contributions of horizontal cells.